Right Path Drug Rehab Rancho Cordova

Cordova, CA 95670

If you or someone you love is struggling with a drug and alcohol addiction, call Right Path Drug Rehab in Rancho Cordova, CA today. We are happy to help you or your loved one overcome something as difficult as a drug and alcohol addiction via our network of treatment providers. Our network of treatment providers in Rancho Cordova allows us the ability to personalize an addiction treatment to any particular circumstances. We understand that a drug and alcohol addiction affects everybody differently and we believe that an addiction treatment should reflect that philosophy as well.

Here at Right Path, our clients often complete one, two, or three months of treatment, all determined on a case-by-case basis. Furthermore, our clients are connected to treatment centers with an extremely low client population. We believe that by doing so, our clients will receive the 1-on-1 attention needed to successfully overcome their drug and alcohol addiction.

Another key part of our success here at Right Path in Rancho Cordova, CA is our dedication to healing the client holistically from his or her drug and alcohol addiction. Too often do we see clients undergo addiction treatment that solely focuses on the physical damage that a drug and alcohol addiction inflicts. Our treatment provider network in Rancho Cordova is comprised of administrative, medical, and psychological professionals, all working together in harmony to have our client fully move on from his or her drug and alcohol addiction.

Our medical professionals supervise and administer the drug detoxification process that all of our clients must go through.  Furthermore, our clients will have the opportunity to attend both individual and group therapy sessions. These therapy sessions allow the client to face the emotional traumas and experiences that may have caused and/or sustained the drug and alcohol addiction.

As a result, to further increase our clients’ likelihood in staying sober from drugs and alcohol for the rest of their lives, our treatment provider network connects clients to treatment programs that incorporate relapse prevention as well. Relapse prevention provides the necessary resources and support for our clients so that they know how to remain drug-free outside of treatment.

Ultimately, we hope that by connecting clients to addiction treatment programs that prioritize the mental, physical, and spiritual well-being of our clients, our clients will fully recover from their drug and alcohol addiction. Right Path Drug Rehab in Rancho Cordova, CA believes that every single person has the right to live a healthy, successful, sober life and that it is our responsibility to provide a treatment provider network that will allow clients that are struggling with drugs and alcohol to receive the proper help they need.

Please contact Right Path today if you or a loved one is struggling with a drug and alcohol addiction. We are confident that with our network of treatment providers here in Rancho Cordova, we can identify the best addiction treatment to help you or your loved one fully move on from drugs and alcohol for good.