Bahá’i Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Bahá’i Drug and Alcohol Rehab
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Bahá’i Beliefs on Drug and Alcohol Rehab

What Is Bahá’i?

The Bahá’i religion was founded in 1844 by Bahá’u’lláh, who was born in Tehran, Iran. His name is Arabic for “Glory to God,” and upon Bahá’u’llah’s birth in 1817, he was deemed a divine messenger. There are presently 5 million members of the Bahá’i faith, and it continues to thrive.

The Bahá’i faith has grown to become the second fastest growing religion to Christianity. The Bahá’i faith reflects community, oneness in mankind, oneness in the world, universal love and peace, as well as a universal language and the independent quest for truth. It is one of the world’s newest independent religions, with themes of peace, unity, altruism, and love, along with the union between science and religion.

Bahá’i Principles

People of the Bahá’i faith read from the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, also known as the Most Holy Book. The book was published in 1992 and is made up Bahá’u’lláh’s responses to questions while he was imprisoned. The laws present in the text govern human’s relationship with God, physical and spiritual matters which “directly benefit the individual,” and relations “among individuals and between the individual and society.” Other laws govern conduct, relationships, and ordinances or prohibitions. Bahá’i principles are:

  • The unity of the races and elimination of prejudice
  • The equality of men and women
  • Universal education
  • The elimination of extremes of wealth and poverty
  • A spiritual solution to economic problems
  • Establishment of a universal auxiliary language
  • The harmony of science and religion
  • The independent investigation of truth
  • The creation of a world commonwealth of truth
  • The peace through collective study

The Bahá’i Faith and Views on Alcohol

The Bahá’i faith has clear views on drinking that prohibit members from overindulging or becoming tempted to drink alcohol. The Most Holy book states drinking wine is discouraged as it “causes chronic disease, weakens the nerves, and consumes the mind.” A weakened mind cannot make sound decisions both in a religious context or an interpersonal one.

A member of the Bahá’i faith recalls the issues with drinking within the Bahá’i community. First, they recall the impact of generational alcohol abuse, citing the fact that children who see relatives drink are more likely to drink as an adult. If someone drinks, he or she is out of control and cannot serve God or may have trouble forming healthy relationships within their community. However, this does not make seeking treatment shameful, quite the contrary. Recovery from alcohol abuse will allow a follower of Bahá’i to regain previously lost connections.

The Bahá’i Faith and Views on Opioids

The Most Holy Book declares opioids as disgusting and execrated. It is forbidden, and it leads to madness. The belief is once someone gives him or herself up to opioids, he or she loses humanity, leading to misery. Opioids are seen to control the soul of man, eliminate their reasoning abilities, weaken the intelligence, and make a living man dead. Similar to alcohol abuse, once someone of the Bahá’i faith consumes opioids, he or she may struggle to form or maintain a connection with God. Instead of maintaining interpersonal relationship within the community, the urge to have access to opioids can distract the individual from spiritual growth. Similar to alcohol, Bahá’i believers can rebuild their faith through opioid addiction treatment.

The Baha’i Faith and Addiction

Addiction robs the individual of specific traits needed to live a fulfilling life. According to the Bahá’i faith, individuals stuck in the cycle of substance abuse lose personal accountability, freedom, can lose a sense of purpose, a sense of self-worth, spiritual orientation, and become disconnected from their family. Parents can set a good example for their children by living a drug-free life. Drugs like hashish and hallucinogenic agents are considered to some of the worst substances and should be avoided. Luckily, treatment can help.

Find Bahá’i Drug and Alcohol Rehab Today

Members of the Bahá’i faith sacrifice relationships and their union with God through addiction, but can find faith-based treatment if suffering drug abuse. 12-Step values help can help to reconnect someone with spirituality, and medications can assist with overcoming drug cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Don’t hide in fear or shame. Contact a dedicated recovery specialist today.

Bahá’i Drug and Alcohol Rehab

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