Pentecostal Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Pentecostal Beliefs on Alcohol and Drug Addiction and Rehab
The Pentecostal movement is a Christian denomination which emphasizes a direct, personal experience with God through the Holy Spirit. Although Pentecostalism is not a church unto itself, the Pentecostal movement does is comprised of many church groups, such as The Assemblies of God with 51 million members, The Church of God in Christ with 9 million, and The Apostolic Church with 6 million members. Since it began in the early 20th century, Pentecostalism has grown strongly and now has over 500 million adherents worldwide, making up more than 10% of all Christians. Pentecostal drug and alcohol rehab consists practicing faith in Jesus Christ, engaging in worship and prayer, and maintaining connection with a church community for support, in addition to standard treatment methods at a recovery facility.
For Pentecostal Christians, the Bible is the inerrant word of God and the foundation for all their beliefs. The name of the Pentecostal movement refers to the Biblical day of Pentecost and commemorates the first baptism in the Spirit, when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles and their followers. Baptism in the Holy Spirit is an essential part of salvation. Indeed, for Pentecostals it is the second baptism, following water baptism. Through this experience, a Pentecostal gives control to the Holy Spirit, just as the disciples of Jesus did on the day of Pentecost.
In a Pentecostal church, speaking in tongues is considered evidence of having been baptized in the Spirit. Once a person has been filled with the Holy Spirit, they may be blessed with gifts of the spirit, or supernatural abilities, such as healing, prophecy, and ecstatic speech. Pentecostals believe that God can and does work miracles today, which includes helping people overcome drug and alcohol abuse.
Pentecostal Views on Drugs and Alcohol
Pentecostal Christians advocate for total abstinence from the use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco. They consider the human body a temple of the Holy Spirit, one which is not to be defiled and should honor God. Pentecostals believe modern society is plagued by the destructive consequences of addictive substances and that even moderate substance use can lead to destructive addictive habits.
For Pentecostals, the Bible serves as guidance for living a life that pleases and honors God, and Scripture often mentions the destructive power of alcohol. Alcohol use, even in moderation, impairs judgement, inflames passions, and invites violence. Alcohol and depression will often lead to addiction and a breakdown of moral inhibitions. Although drug use is not specifically mentioned in the Bible, Pentecostals believe the impact on the user and on society exceeds the evil results of alcohol abuse. The greatest danger is the all-consuming control that drugs can have on a person by constantly interrupting their focus on work, destroying personal relationships and, their overall spiritual well-being.
Alcohol and illegal drug use are known to be factors in domestic violence, road and work rage, child abuse, suicide, and many other socially destructive behaviors. For this, and many other reasons, to argue for “moderate use” of alcohol or drugs is considered insensitive to the weight of the Scriptures and God’s gift of life.
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Pentecostal Drug and Alcohol Treatment
Alcohol and drug addiction affects not only the individual, but those around them as well. Pentecostals call upon all of society to fight these addictive substances used by Satan to keep people under his power. The spiritual and physical worlds are believed to be connected and influence each other, so it is necessary to treat the mind, body, and spirit during Pentecostal drug and alcohol rehab.
Different forms of treatment include prayer, reflection about life after death, and faith as a way of promoting a good quality of life. The goal of treatment is to achieve complete abstinence, which can be maintained through regular prayer and worship. Prayer can help calm the addict by placing them in a meditative and mind-altering state as well as developing faith by sharing the responsibility for drug and alcohol treatment with God. In order to avoid relapse it is advised to pray when waking up, asking for protection during the day and again before going to sleep, giving thanks for the protection received. Counting on God’s unlimited support can create a sense of constant protection, comfort and well-being.
Find Pentecostal Drug and Alcohol Rehab Today
Drug and alcohol addiction can sometimes feel impossible to overcome but with treatment and the correct social support, recovery is attainable. Please consider calling a dedicated treatment specialist today who can help find the right drug and alcohol rehab for you or a loved one. It’s never too late to turn your life around and live a happy, sober life.