Frequently Asked Questions About Addiction

When it comes to substance abuse, misconception is widespread. Many people who have not had personal experience with addiction do not understand the true nature of the disease. Worse yet, many insist on acting upon their false assumptions. Here are common questions that should be asked about addiction.
Why do people get addicted to drugs or alcohol?
There are as many different reasons to use as there are individuals. Some might begin taking a substance because they like the way it makes them feel, only to realize later that they have become dependent on the substance. Some may try a substance to fit in with their peers, only to find themselves unable to resist going back for more. Frequently, a person may be struggling with a mental health issue, and turn to a substance in order to self-medicate, only to find themselves struggling with a co-occurring addiction alongside their pre-existing mental health issue. While the addiction may stem from a variety of sources, it ultimately amounts to a dependency on drugs or alcohol.
Why does an addicted person have to avoid substances, even in moderation?
The decision to avoid a substance entirely is a personal one. Some people may not feel like they can enjoy a particular substance in moderation without risking substance abuse. In some instances, an individual might feel that even being around a substance is enough to risk their sobriety. In any case, each person must make their own decisions regarding how to interact with their substance of choice moving forward, and if they elect to entirely avoid substance use in order to avoid addiction, that decision must be respected.
How do genetics factor into addiction?
While there may not be a definitive answer, genetics do seem to have an effect on a person’s likelihood to become entrenched in substance abuse. The NCADD (National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence) has stated that genetics represent only half of the risk for addiction. In order to provide a definitive answer to this question, additional studies must be completed.
Does it get easier to stay sober as time goes by?
This answer will depend on the person. Some people are able to completely overcome their cravings, and are perfectly comfortable in a bar or in another setting in which substance abuse is occurring. However, other people who have successfully reached recovery will not feel confident around people using the substance, or certain sensory triggers such as smell or sight.
Can an addicted person tell how sick they are?
This answer will also depend on the person. Denial is a powerful force, and often, an addicted person will not be able to look beyond their immediate situation and identify whether or not they are struggling with addiction. In situations like this, to admit to oneself that one has a problem would prove to have too high a psychic cost. As such, while some users may be able to identify that they are struggling with an illness, many others will simply deny to themselves that they have a problem, rendering addiction recovery completely unfeasible.
Is there a way to protect against addiction?
There is no surefire protection against addiction. However, abolishing ignorance and spreading information is key to overcoming substance abuse. The more educational material available to people about addiction, the more likely they will be to recognize the signs and avoid the pratfalls of substance abuse. In addition, when addiction does occur, the best solution is most often participation in an addiction recovery program.
Do you need help with addiction?
Are you struggling with a dependence on drugs or alcohol? At Right Path Drug Rehab, we have the tools you need to overcome your addiction. Contact one of our addiction specialists now, and we’ll ensure you get the answers you’re looking for.